SCHOOL UNIFORM :: Every student of the school must wear a clean and tidy full uniform as approved by the school authorities. If any extra set of uniform is required other than that supplied with the kit, parents will have to purchase it from the school store.
Nursery to Class-II ::
Boys : Dark Charcoal Grey colored Half Pants and Red T-Shirt with Yellow Collar,
School Belt, Black Socks and Black Shoes
Girls : Grey charcoal colored skirts, Red T-shirt with yellow collar, school belt, Black Socks and Black Shoes.
School Badge will be provided from classes Nursery to Class-X.
Boys: Dark Charcoal grey colored full pants are compulsory.
Girls: Girls can wear black trouser.
Red Sweaters as approved by the school.
(It is mandatory to wear the winter uniform starting from the last week of November)
Classes III to VII ::
Boys : Half sleeve White shirt, Dark Charcoal grey colored full pant, tie, badge, school belt, black socks and black
Girls : Half sleeve white shirt, Dark Charcoal grey colored full pant, tie, badge, school belt, black socks and black
ID Cards
Name, ID No., Photo, School Contact No., Parent Contact No., Blood Group. The students must wear ID cards all the time in school premises. In case of loss of ID card the parent should give a written intimation regarding the same.
Duplicate ID Cards will be issued from the office for Rs.50/- .
For PT / Yoga
Yellow T- Shirt, Navy Blue track pant with school belt is compulsory to be worn on Thursday and Monday.
Bringing Mat is must for Yoga - Sr. Kg to Class-VII.
The Girls must bring Black Leggings and wear during Dance classes.
No kind of jewellery, mehendi, kajal, tattoos, bindies are allowed in the school.